Business Immigration


Do you have relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics and willing and able to make a significant contribution to the cultural or athletic life of Canada? You might be able to move to Canada permanently through the Self-Employed program! Learn more on this video.



Canada offers the most established investment-based immigration programs that open opportunity for permanent resident status.  Business immigrants can enjoy unparalleled high quality of life, excellent national health care program, affordable first-class education and a national pension system that provides annual income upon retirement. Among the business immigration programs offering pathway to permanent residence are the following:

Note: This program is suspended effective November 1 2019 to July 1 2020.  No new QIIP applications can be submitted during this time The Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP) was introduced in 1986 as a way for successful business people who intend to live in Quebec, allows investors to obtain Canadian permanent residence by investing CAD $1.2 million risk-free through an approved financial intermediary or by financing that investment.

Program Requirements:

The applicant must have:

  1. At least two years of management experience during the 5 years preceding the application;
  2. A legally-accumulated net worth in excess of CAD2,000,000; and
  3. The intention to reside in the Province of Quebec and commit to investing CAD 1,200,000.
  4. Applicant and dependent family members (18 and over) must obtain an attestation of learning about democratic values and the Quebec values expressed by the Charter of human rights and freedoms.

Program Benefits:

  • No language requirements
  • Status in Canada is not conditional on creating a business
  • Guaranteed investment, backed by the Quebec Government
  • Financing is available for the required investment.

This program is designed for experienced entrepreneurs who are ready to establish, operate and actively manage a business while living and settling in New Brunswick permanently. The Program supports the economy of New Brunswick by bringing in foreign direct investment and creating jobs.

Program Requirements:

The applicant must:

  1. Have a verifiable net worth of more than CAD$600,000, including CAD$300,000 of unencumbered liquidity;
  2. Possess at least 3 years of management experience (minimum 5 years if earned as an employee);
  3. Intend settle in New Brunswick and invest at least CAD250,000 into a business venture.
  4. Place CAD$100,000 as a refundable security deposit* with the Province
  5. Be between the age of 22 and 55, and have completed a minimum of two years of post secondary education
  6. Score at least CLB 5 in speaking, listening, reading and writing in either English or French.

* May be refunded one year after the applicant establishes or acquires his business in New Brunswick.

Program Benefits:

  • Direct path to permanent residence (no transitional period of temporary status in Canada)
  • Low investment requirement
  • Quick processing from Provincial authorities
  • Dynamic investment environment

Working with regional communities, this pilot is intended to attract entrepreneurs to participating regional communities to establish new businesses that align with the communities’ economic development priorities.

Program Requirements:

The applicant must:

  1. demonstrate that active management of the business in B.C
  2. intend to reside within the boundaries of the community that has supported registration and application, and must demonstrate intention to reside in B.C. for the majority of time while on a work permit.
  3. have a minimum of $300,000 in legally obtained and verifiable personal net worth, which includes spouse or common-law partner, and dependent children
  4. have active business ownership and senior management experience within the last 5 years that includes:
    • 3 or more years of experience as an active business owner-manager; or
    • 4 or more years of experience as a senior manager; or
    • a combination of 1 or more years of experience as an active business owner/manager and 2 or more years of experience as a senior manager.
  5. have either a post-secondary credential OR experience as a business owner/manager with 100% ownership of the business for at least 3 out of 5 years;
  6. demonstrate a minimum language proficiency equivalent to a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 4
  7. demonstrate that he or she will hold at least 51 percent ownership of the proposed business
  8. be able to make a minimum of $100,000 in eligible business investments in the proposed business (only if invited to apply)

Program Benefits:

  • Low investment requirement
  • Acquire work permit and be able start to implement business plan in Canada right away after letter of confirmation is issued
  • spouse or common-law partner will be eligible to apply for an open work permit, and dependent child(ren) will be eligible for study permits
  • Communities and local partners provide settlement support to entrepreneur once they arrive


The Antigua Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) was introduced in 2013 as a way for foreign nationals to secure citizenship in the Country in exchange for making a significant contribution to its economy. The CIP contributes to the economy by promoting job creating investments, encouraging tourism and real estate developments, and through direct contributions to the Country’s National Development Fund. Program Benefits:

  1. Visa-free travel to 150 countries, including Europe, the UK, Singapore, and many more.
  2. Secure banking system offers a safe place to deposit funds in a tax-friendly jurisdiction.
  3. Fast processing (3 to 6 months)
  4. Simple documentation
  5. Children up to the age of 28, and parents/grandparents over the age of 58 can be included as dependents
  6. Stable and appealing social and political life. The country is known as a luxury travel destination.

Investment Options:

  • USD100,000 donation to the National Development Fund
  • USD200,000 investment in real estate

* For a family of 4, until October 31 2019


The Saint-Kitts Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) was introduced in 1984 as a way for foreign nationals to secure citizenship in the Country in exchange for making a significant contribution to its economy. The CIP contributes to the economy by promoting job creating investments, encouraging tourism and real estate developments, and through direct contributions to the Country’s Sustainable Growth Fund. Program Benefits:

  1. Visa-free travel to 160 countries, including Europe, the UK, Singapore, and many more.
  2. Secure banking system offers a safe place to deposit funds in a tax-friendly jurisdiction.
  3. Fast processing (3 to 6 months)
  4. Simple documentation
  5. Children up to the age of 30, and parents / grandparents over the age of 55 can be included as dependents
  6. Stable and appealing social and political life. The country is known as a luxury travel destination.

Investment Options Starting at:

  • USD165,000 donation to the Sustainable Growth Fund
  • USD200,000 investment in commercial real estate.